Ischyra Deino


Player: Cam
Chronicle: Ashes of Now
Shadowguide: none
Status: Semi-NPC
Faction: Demonics (Heretics)
Circle: Gorgon Sisters
Concept: Tempest Monster
Nature: Monster
Demeanor: Sensualist
Shadow Nature: The Vitalist
Life: Doula
Death: Burned as a Witch (North Berwick Witch Trials)
Regret: Murdered by Ignorance and Hate
Apparent Age: 23
Real Age: 442
Death: 1590


Physical: Strength 5 (hearty), Dexterity 5 (supple), Stamina 5 (relentless)
Social: Charisma 4 (irresistible), Manipulation 5 (crafty), Appearance 5 (sublime)
Mental: Perception 5 (intuitive), Intelligence 5 (resourceful), Wits 5 (levelheaded)


Talents: Alertness 5 (danger sense), Athletics 4 (swimming), Awareness 5 (aura reading), Brawl 5 (on home territory), Dodge 5 (sidestep), Empathy 4 (deep motivations), Intimidation 5 (implied pain), Leadership 2, Oral Expression 3, Seduction 5 (alluring looks), Style 1, Subterfuge 5 (changing the subject), Throwing 4 (spears)
Skills: Animal Ken 1, Blind Fighting 1, Etiquette 1, Meditation 5 (relaxation), Melee 5 (spears), Ride 1, Stealth 5 (wilderness), Torture 4 (mind games)
Knowledge: Academics 2, Cosmology 5 (byways), Culture 2, Enigmas 5 (visual), Heretics Lore 5 (demonics), Linguistics (pictish) 1, Medicine 4 (childbirth), Metaphysics 2, Occult 5 (witches)


Arcanoi: Argos 5, Castigate 5, Fatalism 2, Keening 5, Lifeweb 3, Moliate 5, Outrage 5, Pandemonium 5, Phantasm 2, Usury 4
Arcanoi Alternate Arts: Argos: 2) Return, Storm Robes; 5) Roadblock; Castigate: 2) Bolster, Faustian Rapport, Wrestle the Devil; 3) Storm Quell, Transfer Angst; Keening: 4) Brenden's Lay, Spectre Song; 5) Songs of the Living; Moliate: 3) Chorus of Throats; 4) Chrysalis, Venom; 5) Petrify; Pandemonium: 3) Wyldfire; 5) Maelstrom Erasure; Phantasm: 1) Conclave
Arcanoi Basic Abilities: Argos) Holding Pattern, Orienteering, Tempestpeek, Tempest Threshold; Castigate) Bulwark, Soulsight; Fatalism) Kismet; Keening) Perfect Pitch, Sotto Voce; Lifeweb) Locate Fetter; Moliate) Glow, Return of Death's Visage, Shapesense; Outrage) Leap of Rage; Pandemonium) Mouth of Madness, Sense Chaos; Phantasm) Sleepsense; Usury) Assessment
Backgrounds: Artifact 4, Demonics Status 4, Eidolon 5, Haunt 5, Notoriety 5, Old Soul 5, Relics 3, Wealth 4
Passions: Take Whatever She Wants (desire) 5, Fulfill Her Own Needs to Stay "Alive" (hunger) 5, Maintain Harmony With Her Sisters (serenity) 5
Fetters: Witch Trial Pamphlet 3, Medieval Friendship Ring 2
Willpower: 9
Corpus: 10
Merits: Soothing Voice (3)
Flaws: Curiosity (2)

Miscellaneous Notes

Artifacts: Rod of Spectral Reach
Relics: Soulsteel Spear
Banality (unusable): 8
Creativity: 1
Derangements: none

The Shadow

Angst: 8/0
Dark Passions: Keep Her Sisters' Affection to Herself (jealousy) 4, Torment Hapless Travelers (cruelty) 4, Obliterate Her Enemies (destructiveness) 4
Thorns: Infamy (5), Madness & Mayhem: nymphomania (5), Shadeskin (5), Shadow Strength +3 (6), Shadow Appearance +3 (6), Shadowplay (6), Vampiric Nature (7)


Style: none (streetfighting)
Special Maneuvers (Brawl): Backbreaker, Eye Rake, Grab Punch, Head Butt, Heel Stamp, Joint Break, Joint Lock, Knee Strike, Lariat, Neckbreaker, Suplex, Throw, Two-Fisted Smash
Special Maneuvers (Dodge): Disarm, Disengage, Displacement, Evasion, Grappling Defense, Kick Defense, Offensive Block, Punch Defense, Weapon Block
Special Maneuvers (Athletics): Backflip, Breakfall, Duck'n'Roll, Jump, Kippup, Maritime Combat, Pounce, Shoulder Smash
Special Maneuvers (Melee): Disarm, Fleche, Great Blow, Offensive Parry, Parry, Riposte, Slash, Smash, Sweep, Thrust
Combinations (unarmed): Disarm/Grab Punch/Neckbreaker; Displacement/Two-Fisted Smash/Knee Strike; Offensive Block/Grab Punch/Backbreaker
Combinations (armed): Disarm/Sweep/Great Blow, Riposte/Thrust/Great Blow, Offensive Parry/Slash/Slash
Melee Weapons Techniques: Axes & Picks, Blades, Blunt Weapons, Fist-Loads, Flexible Weapons, Polearms, Staff
Ranged Weapons Techniques: Javelin, Thrown Blades, Thrown Weapons
Firearms Techniques: none
Common Weapons: Soulsteel Spear (Diff. 6, Dmg+4, Accur. +1, Init. +1 Conceal: N; relic)
Armor: none

Experience Points:
Shadow Experience:

What is this?

Career Class: Warrior
Drive: Aggressive
Social Activity: Deviant
Long Term Goals: 1) Revel in the afterlife with her only real friends at any cost; 2) Keep her Far Isle haunt clear of trespassers
Short Term Goals: 1) Find a new toy for her sisters and she to play with; 2) Ensure spectres keep as wide a berth as local wraiths do from her island
Religion: Animism
Politics: none
Sex: Bisexual/Polygamous
Traits: Erotic, Dangerous, Terrifying, Beautiful, Evil, Tormenting, Malicious, Loyal, Bestial
Additional Notes: none