Yehuda (Tarika) Iskarioth


Player: Cam
Chronicle: Lost Hopes
Shadowguide: none
Status: Semi-NPC
Faction: Demonics (Heretics)
Circle: Stricken
Concept: Biblical Tempter
Nature: Manipulator/Monster
Demeanor: Guru
Shadow Nature: The Slave
Life: Apostle
Death: Suicide by Hanging
Regret: Used by God
Apparent Age: 30-50
Real Age: 2,015
Death: 33


Physical: Strength 6 (steel grip), Dexterity 4 (steady), Stamina 7 (hell-bent)
Social: Charisma 6 (eloquent), Manipulation 8 (forked tongue), Appearance 3/8 (bewitching)
Mental: Perception 6 (visionary), Intelligence 8 (pragmatic), Wits 7 (shrewd)


Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 2, Awareness 6 (nihils), Brawl 5 (grappling), Dodge 5 (duck), Empathy 6 (motivations), Intimidation 6 (religious), Leadership 2, Subterfuge 6 (finding weaknesses), Throwing 2
Skills: Etiquette 2, Firearms 1, Meditation 5 (willpower), Melee 5 (knives), Ride 2, Singing 3, Stealth 4 (shadows), Torture 5 (mind games)
Knowledge: Academics 3, Classics 2, Cosmology 5 (labyrinth), Culture 3, Demon Lore 5 (princes), Enigmas 5 (ancient), Enochian 5 (numerology), Gematria 5 (name of God), Guilds Lore 3, Heretics Lore 5 (demonics), Investigation 2, Law 2, Linguistics (amharic, ancient greek, ancient persian, arabic, aramaic, berber, dutch, farsi, french, german, greek, hebrew, latin, macedonian, portuguese, russian, serbian, spanish, turkish) 5 (epithets), Medicine 2, Metaphysics 5 (eschatology), Mummy Lore 1, Numerology 4 (qabbalah), Occult 5 (satanism), Philosophy 4 (platonism), Politics 5 (nihilism), Renegades Lore 2, Sacred Tongues 4 ("mother" language), Science 2, Stygia Lore 3, Theology 6 (comparative)


Arcanoi: Argos 5, Castigate 5, Fatalism 5, Intimation 5, Keening 4, Moliate 5, Outrage 5, Pandemonium 5, Usury 4
Arcanoi Basic Abilities: Argos) Orienteering, Tempestpeek, Tempest Threshold; Castigate) Bulwark, Soulsight; Fatalism) Kismt; Intimation) Self-Intimation, Twinge; Keening) Sotto Voce; Moliate) Glow, Return of Death's Visage, Shapesense; Outrage) Leap of Rage; Pandemonium) Sense Chaos; Usury) Assessment
Backgrounds: Artifacts 5, Contacts 2, Demonics Status 5, Haunt 2, Legacy 5, Notoriety 5, Relics 2, Wealth 5
Passions: Redeem Himself in the Eyes of God (penitence) 5, Tempt Others as He and Yeshua Were Tested (pride) 4, Redeem Worthy Others (mercy) 4
Fetters: Forgotten Tomb of Judas Iscariot 5, Holy Grail 5, Thirty Tiberian Denarii 5
Willpower: 10
Corpus: 10
Merits: Perfect Liar (3), Storm-Strong (3)
Flaws: Dark Visions (2), Demonic Observer (3), Echoes: air of utter dreadful betrayal (4)

Miscellaneous Notes

Artifacts: Mask of Wazir Almawt
Relics: Hanging Rope, Soulsteel Knife
Banality (unusable): 7
Creativity: 2
Derangements: none

The Shadow

Angst: 8/0
Dark Passions: Condemn All to Hell (resentment) 5, Revel in His Second Chance at Existence (glee) 5, Thumb Nose at God (despair) 5
Thorns: Dark Allies (5), Epic Failure (5), Infamy (5), Nightmares (2), Shadeskin (5), Shadow Traits: Appearance +5 (10), Shadow Traits: Manipulation +5 (10), Shadowplay (5), Spectre Prestige (5), Trick of the Light (3), Truculence (4)


Style: none (streetfighting)
Special Maneuvers (Brawl): Backbreaker, Bear Hug, Dislocate Limb, Fighting Hold, Grab Punch, Heel Stamp, Improved Pin, Joint Break, Joint Lock, Knee Smasher, Pin, Throw, Two-Fisted Smash
Special Maneuvers (Dodge): Deflecting Punch, Disarm, Disengage, Displacement, Evasion, Grappling Defense, Kick Defense, Offensive Block, Punch Defense, Weapon Block, Weapon Catch
Special Maneuvers (Athletics): Breakfall, Jump, Kippup, Shoulder Smash
Special Maneuvers (Melee): Disarm, Double-Strike, Great Blow, Jab, Offensive Parry, Parry, Riposte, Ripping Thrust, Slash, Thrust
Combinations (unarmed): Displacement/Grab Punch/Knee Smasher; Disarm/Grab Punch/Backbreaker; Deflecting Punch/Two-Fisted Smash/Two-Fisted Smash
Combinations (armed): Disarm/Double-Strike/Double-Strike; Riposte/Thrust/Ripping Thrust, Offensive Parry/Slash/Great Blow
Melee Weapons Techniques: Axes & Picks, Blades, Blunt Weapons, Fist-Loads, Flexible Weapons, Polearms, Staff
Ranged Weapons Techniques: Javelin, Thrown Blades, Thrown Weapons
Firearms Techniques: Archaic, Handguns
Common Weapons: Knife (Diff. 5, Dmg: Str+1, Init. +1, Conceal: P; relic)
Armor: none

Experience Points:
Shadow Experience:

What is this?

Career Class: Mystic
Drive: Assertive
Social Activity: Deviant
Long Term Goals: 1) Prep the Restless Dead for impending Armageddon; 2) Achieve penance of his own at last
Short Term Goals: 1) Rein in local fellow Demonics; 2) Impress the "fear of God" into local meddlesome necromancers
Religion: Judaism
Politics: Anarchism/Nihilism
Sex: Bisexual/Polygamous
Traits: Terrifying, Dreadful, Devilish, Cruel, Merciless, Cunning, Deceitful, Scheming, Visionary, Infamous, Hated
Additional Notes: none
