Lorilee Canswell

Bastion Bailiwick
Cruciator of the Seat of Golden Tears


Height: 5'8"
Weight: 135 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Long simple brown
Clothing: Red archaic
Comportment/Cadence: Welcoming
Distinctions: This gorgeous lady dates back to the final days of the 19th-century, given her "Wild West" attire, which was suggestive in her time given the exposure of shoulders and ample buxom her attire provides
Supernatural Qualities: Lorilee may well-known and feared as the local Stygian cruciatora, but her smooth tone and welcoming smile makes it easy to ignore that reputation (ironically); in addition, the tips of her spidery fingers seem black as if she were playing with ink fountains, while faint glyphs and tattoos seem to run up her arms and her pretty brown eyes are beginning to darken to the black of the void
Accoutrements: Moderate jewelry, badge, short sword
Traits: Appearance 5 (sexy); Style 4 (retro); Notoriety 3; Soothing Voice

"Yes, this is a good cop/bad cop scenario. And since I'm being suuuuuuuuuuch a good cop to you, can you imagine how bad my partner will be if you don't cooperate?"


Date of Birth: October 24th, 1865
Home: Silver City, Nevada, United States
Family: Ned Miller and Charity Canswell (parents)
Death: Personal Tragedy (born in the Wild West during the Silver Rush in Nevada, her mother a prostitute; she was all but born into it, and did became a whore; despite a respect for her as a firm, fair, and entertaining lady of the night, a scumbag of a cowboy shot her dead in a drunken dispute), 1889
Mentor: Stoffel van Dresden
The Test: Trial by Knowledge (a Stygian patrol Reaped the woman, enthralling her at first; but her will and will proved herself worthier than the soulsteel mills, and she liberated once she oathed herself to the Legion of Paupers)
Comrades: Warren Earp, Jay Warwick, Virginia Bellona, Dustin Moriarty, Ira Rings, Alicia Hatfield
Key Event #1: War (she traveled with that patrol to California and to San Francisco, participating in the conflict that would help the Hiearchy solidify their control of the blossoming necropolis)
Key Event #2: Treachery (Lorilee proved herself a savvy political official in death; she was able to woo and win over freewraiths and independents and even a few Renegades to support Stygia's claim)
Key Event #3: Awe Wonder (gradually, she rose through the ranks in the local citadel based out of Alcatraz; only a couple decades in, she met and connected with the infamous Warren Earp, and their relationship matured into a professional partnership, aiding and abetting each others' Hierarchy "careers")
Key Event #4: Treachery (eventually she was able to make peace over long decades of strife between Stygia, the Renegades, and various Heretic factions in the city)
Transition: Victory (at last she was able to settle down in a pacified necropolis with her lover, Warren, yet remained wary of future trouble; she'd experienced enough strife and more than a few Harrowings over the decades to justify this caution)

The Shadow

Appearance: Lorilee encounters her Shadow as an especially horny and dominating vision of herself, cruel and insatiable in every sense.
Trigger: Whenever she partakes in genuine sensual or affectionate behavior.

Artifacts & Relics

Badge of Office (Artifact)
Appearance: A small soulsteeel symbol that represents her official station and command.
Origin: Gift

Soulsteel Short Sword (Artifact)
Appearance: A gladius-styled Legionnaire's sword crafted from the souls of the unfortunate kept in a dark unmarked sheath at her waist.
Origin: Gift

Hall of Review (Haunt)

Location: Alcatraz Island, San Francisco, California, United States
Structure: Bunker
Stock: A sealed portion of the prison complex where she may retire to reflect on interrogations and evidence, filled with basic furnishings common to any judge or lawyer's office.
Traits: Haunt 4

Significant Other

Name: Warren Earp, 1929
Nature: Romantic



Lorilee works for "the man". She always has, that's nothing new, except "the man" is the government in question, in this strange and hazardous afterlife world. She is loyal but manipulative and untrustworthy, and the duplicitous double-nature of her service has always poised a problem.

Likelihood of Corruption


As Gaunts age, their struggle against their own Shadows only get harder, not easier, no matter their mastery of Castigate


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