Toria Grey

Forever More
Flying Column


Height: 5'7"
Weight: 130 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Long braided red
Clothing: White and denim-blue casual
Comportment/Cadence: Threatening
Distinctions: A fierce Irish-American woman of voracious, furious intent that clearly burns in her eyes; her beauty and grace do not seem ruined by this obvious rage
Supernatural Qualities: Her Corpus seems to nearly pulsate with that pent-up angry energy, with tension knots tightening and loosening just under the residual mien of clothing and striations of ash-gray and void-black criss-crossing her form
Accoutrements: Light jewelry, shotgun, baseball bat
Traits: Appearance 5 (enticing); Style 3; Full of Life

“There are no valid excuses, no rationalizations, nothing that can stop justice.”


Date of Birth: November 4th, 1978
Home: West Side South, Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Family: Brandon and Eleanor Grey (parents), Dylan (younger brother); Victoria (birthname)
Death: Personal Tragedy (Victoria was born to a light-blue collar family; her parents had immigrated from Ireland and still knew the "old ways", including their kinship to the Fianna, which they imparted to their children; she was able to secure a loan and open a pub in a nearby resort town, which she managed and was head-bartender at, where she met many different people but also one of those Fianna her parents mentioned: Mitch Baird; Mitch was always a manipulative sort, and she found it increasingly hard to trust him, but he always somehow won her over; and then the attack happened: a fomori "family" horked up the joint, and she was just about to call up Mitch to deal with the mutie-freaks when a black-furred war-form werewolf burst into her pub; in its frenzy, it slew some of the fomori and drove the rest out, but also slashed her neck open "by accident" and started an electrical fire, which consumed the pub's back office space and her body), 2009
Mentor: The Mask
The Test: Trial by Influence (Masquers may have Reaped her but they discerned her unbridled fury and opted to let it play out, warning her only to keep the Dictuus Mortum; she blamed Mitch, certain he even was the werewolf that killed her—not that she could tell one from another without experience [and in fact it was a Black Spiral Dancer sent to rein the fomori family in])
Comrades: Mitchell Baird
Key Event #1: Personal Tragedy (she channeled and harnessed all her rage to fuel her growing ghostly power and Arcanoi so she could avenge herself, shortening her name to Toria as well; the pub's survival and that it fell under new management only minutely appeased her; meanwhile, the regional branch of the Flying Column approached her and noting her single-mindedness, convinced her to join the group but act only as a local contact for now)
Transition: Shift in Purpose (once she felt confident with her ghost "magic", she sought Mitch out, bar-flying at her pub and others still, but the more she observed him and his authentic ignorance of his presumed role in her death, the more she began to doubt he had anything to do with it, and she approached him to offer an olive branch, a chance to redeem himself...and she still intended to slap the shit out of him, so to speak! The encounter went as expected, with a recalcitrant werewolf denying it all and promising to help her achieve vengeance, and so was their toxic relationship reborn)

The Shadow

Appearance: Toria can't help but reflect the futility inherent to her condition in both her Shadow and Psyche. It's just far more pronounced and maddening in and through her Shadow.
Trigger: Whenever she's leading others or others are acutely dependent on her.

The Pub (Haunt)

Location: Smithville, Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Structure: Cabin
Stock: A renovated (after the fire) Irish-styled pub in a lake resort town, dark and smoky and homey and foamy and, thanks to her, haunted.
Traits: Haunt 3

Artifacts & Relics

Louisville Slugger (Relic)
Appearance: A classic solid wooden baseball bat, great for hitting balls and vertabrae
Origin: Inherent

Shotgun (Relic)
Appearance: A Remington 870 long gun, a hunter's shotgun she once kept behind the bar for self-defense (or at least coercion of drunken buffoons)
Origin: Inherent

Moonshine Still (Relic)
Appearance: A 10-gallon copper still set, still functional and able to produce consumable liquor
Origin: Inherent

Significant Other

Name: Mitchell Baird, 2004
Nature: Volatile


Rage Against the Rage

Toria blames, rightly or wrongly, her Garou relatives for her death and seeks vengeance, or at least justice. Will she get it right or will her Shadow blind her?

Likelihood of Corruption


Toria knows the hazards of "Wyrm corruption" but she is also overwhelmed with righteous anger.


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