Candace Hamilton

Heartstrings Troupe
Liaison of the Solicitors


Height: 5'7"
Weight: 126 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Long simple blonde
Clothing: Red, white, and blue cheerleader outfit
Comportment/Cadence: Welcoming
Distinctions: A beautiful flower, a co-ed goddess, Candace is every man's dream come to life (so to speak): flamboyant, energetic, athletic, flouncy, upbeat, and the ultimate tease, she has most men and many women eating out of the palm of her hand with little more than a wink and giggle
Supernatural Qualities: As a young Lemure, she's known around town as "one of the cheerleaders"; she easily stands out in a crowd of ghosts, too, given how she glows with apparent joy and vigor
Accoutrements: A pair of pompoms
Traits: Appearance 5 (american pie); Style 3; Notoriety 1; Full of Life

"Mmmmm, I think I know just what you need."


Date of Birth: February 16th, 1981
Home: Hayfork, California, United States
Family: William and Isabel Hamilton (parents), Erroll (older brother)
Death: Personal Tragedy (grew up in a rural working-class home in northern California, but she escaped the blue-collar life by being a good enough jock in high school to earn a scholarship, specifically in cheerleading, at UC-Berkeley; one night in her junior year, with fellow cheerleader Vicki, they suffered a terrible car accident and died), 2003
Mentor: Santa Maria
The Test: Trial by Influence (the Solicitors Reaped Candace and Vicki together; secretly, the Solicitors caused the car accident, wanting the two to help the illicit Guild regain its glory days with "fresh faces"; to that end, she learned the basics of the afterlife, how and importantly when she could interact with the Skinlands, and of course all she could learn about Intimation)
Comrades: Apollo Reine, Pippin Sharp, Vicki Ackers, Sugi Slights, Shea Harrington
Key Event #1: Treachery (with Vicki, she began to piece together some semblance of a "life", gathering friends and allies [or slaves])
Key Event #2: Treachery (the Solicitors traded Arcanoi secrets to Candace in exchange for her manipulation of various Stygians, low-level bureaucrats only at this stage, but it was a foot in the door both for the Guild and whatever ambitions she might nurture)
Transition: Victory (and defeat—unaware of the Solicitors' role in her death, she and Vicki stayed loyal to each other and the Guild)

The Shadow

Appearance: Candace's Shadow is cruel and calculating, a manipulative tease, the nightmare cheerleader bitch; she can't hide the menace from her beautiful glowing features either
Trigger: Whenever she fails at even the most menial task.

Artifacts & Relics

Pompoms (Relic)
Appearance: A pair of colorful pompoms, one of the main accessories of the cheerleader, in a startling red, white, and blue combo (matching her uniform)
Origin: Inherent

Old Girls' Locker Room (Haunt)

Location: University of California at Berkeley Campus, Berkeley, San Francisco, California, United States
Structure: Bunker
Stock: Old (rusty but functional) lockers, empty shower stalls (that rarely work and when they do, it's akin to Pandemonium effects, so worse than not working)
Traits: Haunt 2

Significant Other

Name: Vicki Ackers, 2001
Nature: Erotic


Like, Duh

Candace loves to play the "dumb blonde cheerleader" stereotype to its fullest, catching fools off-guard. People are easy to play when they think you're an idiot. The problem is, this has worked for her so long that it's her only real schtick. Anyone that doesn't fall for it is especially hard to manipulate, or worse, see right through to her true intentions.

Likelihood of Corruption


She's not bad, she was just Reaped that way!


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