Alyssa Currie



Height: 5'8"
Weight: 135 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Green
Hair: Long simple blonde
Clothing: Blue and pink casual
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Distinctions: Though a serrated scar appears across her throat, it hardly detracts from Alyssa's classic beauty, enthralling charisma, super-cool demeanor, or famous visage as a global sensation of a pop singer—at least, she was
Supernatural Qualities: Some of that mortal fame does pass into the Underworld, for she is not only highly recognizable but a glow of vibrancy pulsates from within her corpus, like the soul of her music trying to escape, a corpus marked with slight striations of light and dark, like the dichotomy of good and evil
Accoutrements: Light jewelry, wireless mic
Traits: Appearance 5 (alluring); Style 4 (street fashion); Notoriety 3; Full of Life; Distinctive Appearance

"The banal coldness of death can't kill my music."


Date of Birth: May 17th, 1974
Home: Long Grove, Illinois, United States
Family: Stewart and Louisa Currie (parents), Meredith (older sister)
Death: Personal Tragedy (she had a middle-class upbringing in a small exurb outside Chicago; she became noticed singing solos for her high school chorus and soon skyrocketed into celebrity status as a famous pop singer; like many famous and beautiful people, some of her fans were dangerously obsessed, and a stalker attacked her and slashed her throat; she survived but it damaged her vocal chords, so she took an indefinite sabbatical in Kansas City to see if it would heal; during that time, she met Kenneth Killian, who recognized her Kinain lineage and became her lover and protector; despite his efforts, the stalker returned and finished what he began, stabbing her in the chest repeatedly; Ken intercepted after the deed, striking him down but too late to save his beloved), 2008
Mentor: Bennie Moten
The Test: Trial by Knowledge (she was eagerly Reaped by the local small but influential Chanteurs Guild, who anticipated her arrival to the afterlife; they trained her how to survive the Underworld, of course, but helped her hone her talents through Keening and kept her close to the vest for fear of other wraith organizations)
Comrades: Kenneth Killian, David Staph, Milo Clay, Monte Wagner, Antonio Durante, Jodi Lomauro, Kayla Garrett, Toria Grey, Laurena Thomas, Rossana Scalici
Key Event #1: Treachery (but she missed Ken and mistrusted the guild, even if the local leader was the Bennie Moten; her desire and a knack for it helped her develop Arcanoi quickly besides Keening, namely Embody)
Transition: Shift in Nature (once she could manifest across the Shroud, their love immediately rekindled and she became a regular inhabitant of his home again, and he even promised to call in favors with Sluagh fae to help protect her in the Underworld)

The Shadow

Appearance: Alyssa's Shadow is wily; in her own mind, she resembles herself minus the scar and only more, impossibly more, beautiful, an angelic nymph whose voice lifts nations—and if she can't, then that's her problem, her failure.
Trigger: Whenever others criticize her.

Artifacts & Relics

Wireless Microphone (Relic)
Appearance: A small device clipped to her shirt or collar
Origin: Inherent
Effects: Amplify her voice many, many times (not counting natural acoustics of wherever she might be)
Activation: She must flick its tiny switch to "on" and expend Pathos each turn of use; combined with Keening, it would be a prohibitively expensive tool to use for any length of time

Hearth Estate (Haunt)

Location: Rolling Hills, Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Structure: Mansion
Stock: Actually a Sidhe freehold she lived in with her lover, Ken, and she still haunts the place and especially the studio he had built for her, professional and crisp, by far her favorite place to be
Traits: Haunt 4

Significant Other

Name: Kenneth Killian, 2004
Nature: Romantic


Just Right

Alyssa was always a professional and still acts it as much as she may. Indeed, with her Arcanoi she might even be able to record a new studio album, though releasing it would be more problematic. However, such a goal is unlikely given her incensed, greater-than-ever demand for perfection, to the point it has begun stifling her artistic expression.

Likelihood of Corruption


Alyssa's lost in her music and in good company for it, but she still must contend with the overwhelming wiles of her Shadow.


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